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NONE0Nothing. This can be used to skip actions for a single tick
MOVE_FORWARD1 << 0Applies forward velocity100 meters / 60 ticks
MOVE_BACKWARD1 << 1Applies backward velocity-100 meters / 60 ticks
ROTATE_TANK_CLOCKWISE1 << 2Applies clockwise angular velocity to the tankPI * 0.3 / 60 ticks
ROTATE_TANK_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE1 << 3Applies counter-clockwise angular velocity to the tank-PI * 0.3 / 60 ticks
FIRE1 << 4Fires the gunGun must cool down for 60 ticks before another FIRE command. Bullet is fired from the gun and moves at 200 meters / 60 ticks
ROTATE_GUN_CLOCKWISE1 << 5Applies clockwise angular velocity to the gunPI * 0.3 / 60 ticks
ROTATE_GUN_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE1 << 6Applies counter-clockwise angular velocity to the gun-PI * 0.3 / 60 ticks
ROTATE_RADAR_CLOCKWISE1 << 7Applies clockwise angular velocity to the tankPI * 0.3 / 60 ticks
ROTATE_RADAR_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE1 << 8Applies counter-clockwise angular velocity to the gun-PI * 0.3 / 60 ticks
LOCK_GUN1 << 9Locks the gun. If gun is locked, it will rotate along with any tank rotation
UNLOCK_GUN1 << 10Unlocks the gun. If gun is unlocked, the gun will not rotate with tank rotation
LOCK_RADAR1 << 11Locks the radar. If the radar is locked, it will rotate along with any gun or tank rotation
UNLOCK_RADAR1 << 12Unlocks the radar. If the radar is unlocked, it will not rotate with gun or tank rotation